Today in my Instagram stories, I shared a short snippet on the fact that my husband plays Polo!

Brian playing polo in Memphis

And while I do not plan to elaborate on the sport itself, not today, I do want to highlight what Polo has done, for ME!

When I met my husband he had a long list of hobbies and accomplishments … So as you can imagine, when he learned there was a Polo field in Little Rock, I have to admit, I was VERY hesitant for him to pick this activity back up… {which at the time I knew nothing about, except for the Pretty Woman Movie}

Yes, I grew up around cattle, horses, all the “farm animals” but playing polo, much less, riding horses, that was not in the cards for me. All I could think: another activity, another sport, another thing for him (not us)…

Oh, was I wrong!

What I didn’t know at the time, is that soon, I would gain a second family. You see, Polo, when you learn the sport, you soon find out, it is really a family event. No I don’t mean, kids are out there running around like you went to a water park... No, No, I mean, the team itself, IS A Family.

I have now traveled to Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, NWA, and Florida to seek out this sport with my husband. And with each location, we are actually greeted with the biggest hugs, followed by a chair, and a glass of sweet tea!

The nights end with the most spectacular assado [Portuguese term for smoking meats, a traditional meal hosted after a polo match]- or as Brian and I call it, “family dinner

Polo has been a relief for me, after leaving a long day at work. I actually look forward to the days they play. While not pictured, the wives who have now become some of the best friends! I look forward to going out, and watching, so we can hang out together! And since an assado takes all day to prepare, we often head to local restaurants after play on a weeknight!

Family, Assado

So yes, while I had my hesitations, of Polo being a sport for Only my husband, turns out, being in the countryside, watching these majestic animals, growing these last 5 years, as a family … THAT is what Polo has taught me to appreciate, and love! And I cannot thank Stuart and Elizabeth, and the rest of the Windrush family, for making us, family.